A3! Wiki
A3! Wiki

You can get loads of rad ideas from new places! Off to the chapel we go!

Here comes the groom! Then I look back, and strike a pose!


How to Acquire
  1. High Spirits at the Hot Spring!/Event
  2. Say I Do! blue & white Tryouts
  3. Revival Token Tryouts
  4. Revival Tryouts
  5. Assorted Tryouts: Season/Improv Edition
Backstage Story Two in the Chapel
Lead Skill
Pretend Priest
Lv 1 Increases Team's Dr somewhat
Lv 10 Increases Team's Dr greatly
Ad lib Skill
Something New
Lv 1 15% chance that Dr
will increase somewhat
Lv 4 30% chance that Dr
will increase greatly
Card Stats
Lv 1 927 1300 1483
Lv 60 1930 2716 3076
Bloomed+ 2100 2956 3346
Bloomed++ 2270 3196 3616
Fully Trained
and Bloomed
3170 4096 4516
