A3! Wiki



The My Page area (homescreen) is where you can access your Presents (the button with the pink and blue gift box), take a look at the game’s Announcements (the button with a pink and blue envelope), see if you have any updates in your Friend List (yellow button on the lower right), among others.

The large banner shows any major announcements, such as how to play the game for beginners, and the Premium Scout banner.

The smaller banner underneath are the Beginner's tasks


At Presents, you can check what unclaimed items or rewards you have, as well as look at the history of what you have claimed. There’s also a convenient way to view each kind of item you want, and a pink button below that claims all unclaimed items (max of 100 items at a time).

A feature as mentioned is square outlined in red. It’s a sort feature that lets you view items according to their Expiry, and then according to what kind of item they are (Gems, Cards, Friend Points, Coins, or other Items).



This is what your Friend area would look like!


The first thing you would see is a list of your current friends. If the pink flower button is not grayed out, it means you can give your friend a little friend point boost! Pressing that button gives you and your friend 20 friend points each. To give this to all your friends, press the pink button at the bottom that says Give Flowers to Everyone (フラワー一括プレゼント).

The second tab on the left are your Pending Requests (申請中), meaning friend requests you sent that have not been either accepted or rejected.

The third tab are Friend Requests for you (承認待ち). Finally the last tap is for you to manually Search (検索) for a friend using their User ID.



The Story area has four different Story types: the Main story, the Backstage stories, the Cross Backstage stories, and the Mini Conversations


When accessing the stories, the button on the top right (which I encircled in red) shows only the unread chapters!


If this comes up, it’s asking if you’d like to download voice data for the chapter you selected. The pink button on the right downloads voice data for that chapter, the middle does not and proceeds with the chapter, while the left closes the window.


The Backstage story shows the characters according to their respective troupe.


The Cross Backstage story has stories of two specific members. The long grey on top sorts the stories according to when they were released (per year).


Similar to the Backstage stories, the Mini Conversations are sorted according to troupe.

Troupe Members

The Troupe Members area lets you edit them members of the units you bring with you for your Performances, to train and bloom (awaken) individual cards, as well as remove members from your current roster.

Edit Units

The Edit Units area has three different unit compositions, which are used for different parts of the game.


The Practice Units (blue tab) are used during Performance Practices. You can form five different units!


The Recommended button automatically chooses the strongest cards you have according to your choice of group: either from all of your cards, or from one of the four troupes.


The Performance Units (pink tab) here are for the members you will bring during Performance Preparations. As such, the Recommended options differ from the first tab - here the game chooses the strongest from either all of your cards, or according to each Attribute you’ve chosen (Comedy; Action; Serious).

Certain cards, when put together, also have Link Skills that increase certain attributes!


Finally, the third tab (green) is the Favorites tab, where you are free to choose your five favorite cards and the green button at the bottom displays your selected cards side-by-side!



Missions 1

First off, you’ll have to choose which performance you’d like to play.

Missions 2

The two other buttons at the bottom lead to different things, which will be explained later.


Next is selecting which practice session you’d like to attend. The number in the purple area is the LP required for that session, so take note!

Each session has three flowers that indicate “proficiency” and three missions! Each cleared mission and cleared proficiency flower (aka an unlocked in-lesson story/talk) will reward the player with one diamond. When you complete all three missions you will be rewarded with 3 diamonds.

Click here to see the translations for the missions!


Here we have the practice session screen! It’s generally straight-forward, and requires very little from the player, to the point that an Auto button is readily available.


The Menu button opens this screen, where you can view your Log, or the Missions for this practice session, as well as how many items you’ve picked -up at this point in the session. You can also choose to Pause, Conclude, or Resume the session using the buttons at the bottom.

Theatre-going Preparation

Going back to the two colored icons from before, the green button that says “Theater-going Preparation” leads you to an area where you can watch the play being “performed”. You will need platinum tickets to view a performance, but before that, you get the chance to select the cast from your current card roster!

Missions 6

The Cast button shows you the original cast members for the play for each role, while the other button, Summary, gives you the summary of the of the play. Pink button on the bottom starts the play, so sit back and enjoy!

Performance Preparations

Finally, again from the two buttons from earlier, we have the Performance Preparations button! This time, you will need SP to play!

First off, choose from the list showed to you for the Guest you will be having for your performance.

Missions 7

Next, choose from your units which will be performing. Take note that you need to be able to meet the point requirement, as shown on the bottom left (the number followed by P)! You can check if your selected unit is strong enough by looking at your estimated points (the number in purple).

Missions 8

To boost your scores, you can choose to increase it up three, five, eight, or ten times, which will cost you 1 SP more as you increase (so for example, multiplying it by 10 will require 5 SP). The amount of SP required will be indicated by the yellow bubble on top of the “Start Performance” button.

Once you’re good to go, press the Start Performance button and enjoy!

Working Outside

Working 1

When you’re available to do WO’s, a green number will show up above the tab showing you how many you have available. You can also check which ones are available (when you have more than one!) by making sure the text on each one is pink (出稼ぎ可能 ‘WO is Possible’).

The items listed in each button are the possible item drops (ドロップアイテム ‘Dropped Items’).

Tapping the face of each character will bring up a selection screen. Choose any characters you like. The text below them will change depending on who you choose (ふたりの関係 ‘The Pair’s Relationship’). This will affect the character dialogue during WO’s.

Clicking on the green button (遊び方 ‘How to Play’) will bring up the instructions. Click on the pink button (街へ繰り出す ‘Dispatch to Neighbourhood’) to begin.

Working 2

You can travel all over town, and they’ll even fall asleep!, by swiping left to right. Hit the green button (ビロード駅前 ‘Velvet Station Front’) to return to the front of the station to begin the WO.

Click the pink button in top right (出稼ぎ!! ‘Work Outside!!’) to begin.

You have 30 seconds to tap hearts to earn coins. Each time you tap a heart, it will burst, and coins will be rewarded. Sometimes items will drop, too, in the form of treasure chests.

Working 3

Your coins will be added and the treasure chests will open to reveal the specific items you have received. Your characters will also say something else, too, as they did in the beginning.

Working 4

After you’ve done your WO, that pink text will now change to 解放まで[COUNTDOWN] (‘Available Again in [COUNTDOWN]’). That’s hours and minutes, so the first one will be available again after 3 hours and 59 minutes.



Here’s the first scout, the Premium Scout (プレミアムスカウト). You use Gems (ダイヤ) and Premium Medals (プレミアムメダル) to scout. Only R to SSR cards are found in this scout.

Just like in I-chu, they show the Bought Gems and Gems got for free

There’s the 1 Scout and SR GUARANTEED 10 Scout

The 1 Scout will, obviously, get you just one boy, ranging from R to SSR. 

The 10 Scout, on the other hand, will net you ten actors, with at least one SR or SSR. 

The Premium Medal Scout will scout you 1 actor, SR or SSR. 

Clicking on the Scout Log in the corner will let you view your most recent scouts and where you scouted them from. 


Clicking on Scout Details will give you a blurb about the scout, but more importantly, it will give you the cards inside and the scout rates. For instance, an SSR Citron has a 0.15% chance of being scouted.  


The Friend Scout is similar. For 200 Friend Points, you can scout once. For 2000 Friend Points, you can scout ten times. 

This scout only has Ns and Rs. 

Friend Points can be earned through things like using friends during Public Performances.  


In the Start Dash Scout, only bought daiya can be used in it.

You can only scout 10. Once you scout 10, you get a choice medal, and using the choice medal, you can pick a card of your choice, ranging from R to SSR. 


Titles and Badges

By now, you may or may have noticed a colorful rectangle beside usernames of your Friends or on your Guest list. Those are badges, and they have nifty titles that say a lot about you as a player.

These can be accessed from the Menu.


These titles can be obtained by fulfilling a specific requirement, which you can check by pressing the appropriate button on the lower left.


Click here to view the translations on how to obtain specific titles and badges!
