A3! Wiki

I don't hate being told happy birthday by so many people...I'm just kinda embarassed.

We're taking a photo here?! I guess it's okay... But don't get too close to me.


How to Acquire
  1. Towards Full Bloom/Event
  2. Premium Tryouts
  3. October Birthday Premium Tryouts
Backstage Story Picture-Perfect
Lead Skill
Makeup Birthday
Lv 1 Increases Team's Ac a lot
Lv 10 Increases Team's Ac enormously
Ad lib Skill
Doodle Inspo From Sakoda
Lv 1 20% chance that Ac
will increase a lot
Lv 4 35% chance that Ac
will increase enormously
Card Stats
Lv 1 2043 2229 1303
Lv 80 4176 4520 2646
Bloomed+ 4446 4810 2816
Bloomed++ 4716 5100 2986
Fully Trained
and Bloomed
5916 6300 4186
